Bec Bouquet
- Description
The Bec bouquet is a striking and bold arrangement that combines the classic beauty of red roses with the vibrant energy of poppies. The bouquet typically features a mix of red roses and poppies that have been carefully arranged to create a visually stunning display.
The bouquet is often characterized by its dramatic and passionate appearance, with the deep red hues of the roses and poppies creating a rich and intense colour palette. The flowers may be accented with lush greenery or other red blooms, such as carnations or dahlias, which helps to enhance the overall appearance of the arrangement.
Overall, red roses and poppies floral bouquet is a powerful and bold display of nature's beauty, perfect for occasions such as Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or other special occasions that celebrate love and passion. It is a statement-making choice that is sure to impress and leave a lasting impression.
Please note the arrangement is created as close to the image’s style and composition as possible. Flowers are subject to change due to seasonal availability. local delivery is available upon request and will be quoted upon enquiry.
Please use to ‘Message Vendor’ button to enquire for custom arrangements and availability
In store pick up is available from Lugarno NSW